Ask yourself in the most silent hour of your night: must I write? Dig into yourself for a deep answer. And if this answer rings out in assent, if you meet this solemn question with a strong, simple “I must”, then build your life in accordance with this necessity…

The above are the words of Rainer Maria Rilke, a notable German author, in response to a young poet, who sent him his poems.

These words though written as far back as 1902 surprisingly have a resonating effect even today.

Those words are golden.

It talks about the will to continue, to strive despite seemingly negative circumstances.

Why do we need these words today?

These words are for writers that want to be better!

That want to keep doing more.

These words are not for everyone really.

If you answered 'yes' to the words 'must I write?" then let's take a walk.


Construct your life to writing daily.

Is it such a big deal to write everyday?


First, it shows your commitment and if you want get better you must practice.

How much can you write daily?

That depends on a lot. Some persons write as much as 1000 words daily, Some 500, some 250.

You must start with something.

If you are a beginner, start with 250 words. Keep it at everyday and watch yourself go to 500 words. 


I like to believe that every writer should be heard.

What does this mean?

This means that it is important to publish your work. Anywhere!

Have a blog.
Open social media accounts.
Publish your works.

You should be heard.
You are a Writer

The world wants to hear from you and you can't find your audience by keeping quiet.

What do you naturally love to talk about?
What is your thing?

Some persons won't accidentally find themselves writing about business or love stories. Because?
It naturally doesn't appeal to them.

In this writing journey, you must find your niche and stick to it radically.

Keep at your art!



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